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Vigy Fuglsang.
Psychotherapist, Couples-Therapist.

CV of Trainings :

IFS - Internal Family Systems (Level 1)
With IFS Insitute & Mariel Pastor
Copenhagen 2024

SE - Somatic Experiencing
With &
Stockholm 2019 - 2022 & Copenhagen 2018 - 2019

NAP - Neuro Affectiv Psychotherapy & NAA - Neuro Affective Analysis
With Susan Hart & Marianne Bentzen
Copenhagen & Kalundborg 2016 & 2018 & 2021 & 2023

NARM - Neuro Affective Relations Model
With Laurence Heller
Copenhagen 2017-2018

EFT - Emotional Focused Couples Therapy
With Kathryn Rheem & Jette Simon
Stockholm/Copenhagen 2013-2015

Imago Couples Therapist
With Jette Simon
Copenhagen 2012-2013

Twice Born Chilhood Deconditioning & Primal Deconditioning training
With Svarup & Premartha
Afroz OMC, Greece & Miasto OMC, Italy 2008-2011

Life coach & Business coach
With Sofia Manning
Copenhagen 2006-2007

The Intensive therapist training
& AUM Leader Training
The Humaniversity
Egmond Zee, Netherlands 2004-2005 & 1999

Facilitator Meditative therapies Mystic Rose/NO Mind & Meditation Counselor
Osho International Meditation Resort
Pune, Indien 1996-1998

Since the 1980's to 1995 I have also worked as a consultant, project- and IT-manager  in computer- and administration development projects as well as projects of transfering technology for the World Bank in Bangladesh.