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Tuition For Intuition

To Live & To Let Go


NARM - Healing through development  


Just as a plant spontaneously moves towards sunlight,
there is in each of us an impulse moving toward connection and healing.

It is a proces where we start with what is working for you, and how you find your way in the world and in your life. From there we explore, together, what it is ,that gets in the way, and what it is that you feel you need to get a helping hand with.
In other words: You are Ok, since you are here, and you survived...
and there is more to learn and more life to expand towards and to feel the joy of life, that is there, (even it may be covered by many and difficult experiences in life!))
We work with five basic themes and development points in the process:
 Developmentpoint / Theme    Corresponding survival strategy
- Contact  

Shutting off from contact 

Shutting off from the body and Social engagement


- Attunement & Needs



Shutting off from feeling ones needs and expressing them freely


- Trust
& Healthy dependence



Not trusting others/believing in others and shutting off from healthy dependency


- Autonomy

& Healthy independence



Shutting off from real/authentic expression of one self and
responding the way we believe others would expect


- Love & Sexuality  

Shutting off from love and the connection to the heart

Shutting off from sexuality and pleasure

Shutting off from the connection between the heart and sexuality


 "The goal of the Neuro Affective Relational Model (NARM)

is to work with the...
nervous system dysregulation,
disruptions in attachment, and
distortions in identity...
while never losing sight of and
supporting the development of a healthy capacity for connection and aliveness."

(Laurence Heller & LaPierre)





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